Eucomis 'Zulu Flame'Eucomis 'Zulu Flame'

Eucomis TERRA NOVA® ‘Zulu Flame’


This plant is no longer for sale directly from TERRA NOVA® Nurseries. However, it may still be available through one of our Licensees or Retail Sources.


TERRA NOVA® 'Zulu Flame' has darker purple leaves than Eucomis 'Oakhurst' with a much improved habit. The broader, thicker foliage never flops and the flowers are darker on shorter stalks. TERRA NOVA® 'Zulu Flame' will add a tropical touch without any fuss. Hardy to at least zone 6, this vigorous, cold tolerant gem should find its way into a featured garden spot or a special pot from coast to coast.

USDA Hardiness Zone(s): 6-10
Size (HT/W/FL HT): 20″ / 24″ / 30″
Exposure: Part Shade, Full Sun
Bloom Time(s): August, September

SKU: EUCZULFLA Categories: ,
Common Name TERRA NOVA® Pineapple lily
Family Asparagaceae
Genus Eucomis
species --
Plant Series Eucomis TERRA NOVA® Series
Plant Type Perennial
US Patent # --
EU Grant # --
Bloom Time August, September
Flower Color Purple
Foliage Color Green, Purple
Dormancy Winter
Exposure Full Sun, Part Shade
Growth Habit Clumping
Growth Rate Moderate
Hardiness Zone 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
How Different? Compared to 'Oakhurst' or 'Sparkling Burgundy' it has shorter, wider leaves and does not flop over later in the season. (Much shorter flower stalks as well.) The foliage color holds better in the heat.
Landscape Value Container, border, mixed beds, rock gardens.
Most Active Growing Season Spring
Persistence Deciduous
Size (HT/W/FL HT) 20" / 24" / 30"
Foliage Color ,
Soil (Garden) Coarse and slightly organic.
Water (Garden) Average
Special Uses Cut Flower, Deep South, Low Water Usage
Comments --
Water (Greenhouse) Dry moderatley between waterings.
EC 1.5 – 2.5
pH 5.5 – 7.5
Fertility Needs 100 – 150 ppm
Notes Per literature “For plants grown under cover, greater uniformity can be achieved by starting forcing at 68°F-78°F until stem emergence. Following emergence, production temperatures of 60°F-85°F days and 50°-65°F nights are best.”
Finish Time to 4″ 6 – 8 weeks
Finish Time to Gallon 12 – 14 weeks
Day Length for Flowering Long Day
Eucomis TERRA NOVA® 'Zulu Flame' - Product Profile
Eucomis TERRA NOVA® 'Zulu Flame' - Growing Recipe

All photography is property and © of TERRA NOVA® Nurseries, and is only to be used for promotional material related to TERRA NOVA® products.

Please credit TERRA NOVA® Nurseries in the following manner:
Photo(s) courtesy of TERRA NOVA® Nurseries, Inc.

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Eucomis TERRA NOVA® 'Zulu Flame'Download Eucomis TERRA NOVA® 'Zulu Flame'Download
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