October 7, 2024 – Written by Ayla Stults-Lopez

TERRA NOVA® Nurseries Display Garden
Enjoying the Last of Fall Blooms:
Take the time out to enjoy how much life and color is still left. The Echinacea and Kniphofias are still sending out blooms and contributing their punchy colors as more muted tones set in. Sedums are starting to be in full bloom with swaths of pinky blooms and sleepy bees. Anemones are still tossing up their show of flowers with contrast from the evergreen Heucheras that allow for year-round color. These are just a few garden highlights.
Fall Planting:
Fall is a great time to plant your perennials and bulbs as the soil is still warm, but we are past the more extreme heat. Plants have an easier time establishing themselves as chances for rain are more likely and less competition with weeds and other stressors. A great bonus is that garden centers often have their materials mark down starting fall and can score some great deals. Your plants and garden will have a head start for the next coming spring.

TERRA NOVA® Nurseries Container
Fall Mixed Containers:
Keep color around with fall-mixed containers that include Heuchera, Sedums, Anemones, ornamental Cabbages, Kales, and Violas. Including a pumpkin or two is another nice little nod to fall.

TERRA NOVA® Nurseries Container
Deadheading/Seed Collection:
Now is a good time to clean up the garden and leave it ready for spring. Removing plant debris, deadheading any perennials that need it, saving seed. You could choose to leave some seed heads for winter bird feed as well. Birds are especially fond of Echinacea cone heads since their stocks are sturdy and supportive, but you could also collect them and create your own birdfeeder.
Collecting foliage or flowers to dry for later use in crafts such as a dried wreath or bouquets. This is a good time to check your local garden center and see what classes they’re offering. They make it easy to learn a new skill by providing all the necessary supplies and answering questions as you go. Fun fall activity to meet others or to share with friends and family.
As the cooler season starts setting in it’s a good time to be more cautious around water management. Make sure not to leave plants with wet leaves going into cooler nights as this can lead to diseases.
Slugs and snails may also be prevalent at this time so watch out for those if you have planted new and tender plants. Caterpillars are also rampant at this time so scouting your fall veggies is important.
Just a few ideas we had for making the most out of your gardens this fall. Feel free to share your ideas and thoughts for how you like to make the most out of your gardens.